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Lowtech german quality!
Please note: the mm. specification is measured from the standard hight of the BMW, if its equiped with for example a M-Tech. or BMW sport suspension which is about 15MM lower, you have to deduct the the mm in the specification we make for example = 40/40MM will then be 25/25MM! if you need help to find out whether your BMW is equiped with a BMW sport suspension or not, please don´t hesitate to contact your us, please have the last 7 figures of the chassinumber ready so we can check up on your BMW!
A tolerance of +/- 5mm must be accepted, as the length can vary.
Lowtec lowering springs is a german quality product. With a Lowtec set mounted on your BMW, you are guaranteed best handling under even extreme conditions! Lowtec also offers "Vorderakstieferlegung", which is a kit where you only lower the car at the front, because BMW´s often got a nice hight at the rear! you can also buy a "Keilform" set, which loweres more at the front than rear. All kits are german TÜV approved.
Set 2 pcs open rings! (Please note: check the diameter of the shockabsorber piston before ordering)!
Do you have problems with your tyres bumping on the edge of the fenders? then this may solve it!
BMW-re specializált szerelomuhelyünk elvégzi a beszerelést alacsony árak mellett.